Battle Ready

free training series

Become Battle Ready

If you are fed up with the evil in this world and you want to see God’s power transform the world around you, this training is for you.

Learn to pray effectively and accurately so God’s will can be done in your home, your family, and your community!

Pure Vitality Ministries

God’s warrior

Now is the time...

God is raising up an army of prayer warriors, His remnant, who are becoming a militant force as they step into their true identity, and bring heaven to earth as they take back territory from the enemy.

Nothing is too hard for God’s power to overcome, but we cannot sit back and wait for God to do something about it. No, God does not work that way.

God works through His people. God requires us to pray so He will can be done.

God requires action. We cannot be passive.

There is always a war going on between the kingdom of God and the powers of darkness.

As God’s children, we are automatically enlisted as His soldiers, who are ambassadors representing His kingdom on earth.

We are here to enforce His dominion over the kingdom of darkness that Jesus already won when He rose from the grave.

It’s no small thing when you are a prayer warrior.

You do severe damage to the enemy from the dark depths of your prayer closet that no one will ever know about.

It’s humbling to know that our prayers and our obedience to God’s will can mobilize hosts of angels to battle darkness holding people hostage and we can see them transformed right before our eyes.

From Chronic Anxiety To Seeing God Move!


Hi, my name is Becky Mauldin.

I suffered from severe anxiety, health problems, and felt like a victim until God taught me about my identity and authority.

My entire life changed when I put what I’m about to teach you into practice.

Now I see evidence of God working in my life and the world around me all the time. I have become an ambassador for God’s kingdom on earth.

You may have a rather ordinary life now, but just wait!

God wants to release healing, love, miracles, and deliverance through you, causing supernatural changes both in you and the world around you.

It’s the most amazing thing to see God’s kingdom transform a person, a family, a community, and a city! This is your purpose!

God has given me a blueprint to equip people how to pray, how to take back territory from the enemy, and how to partner with God’s kingdom so His will can be done.  And that’s what I’m excited to share with you!

What's Included in Battle Ready

Private Online Community

You'll get to join our online group of Jesus lovers who are health minded and passionate for God! You should not be doing this alone. You'll have the support and be able to connect with others.

Online Video Lessons

Over 30 video lessons that walk you through everything you need to know to be equipped for battle! Includes PDF handouts you can print and keep for reference.

Opportunites for Ministry

Once you have gone through our training, you have the option of joining our local and virtual prayer team so you can minister God's healing and love to others. You'll discover how rewarding serving God is!

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