Bandana Request

healing is here

Request A Free Bandana

The bandanas and bundles are FREE to EVERYONE who CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY THEIR OWN- supported by those who can afford it. This is the heart of the Father and His Word.

Our mission is based on the heart of the gospel: God has given us a mandate to go into all the world and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom- to heal the sick, set the captives free, and save the lost.

We do that in many ways: through providing teaching, worship services, prayer rooms, tent services, outreach events, bandana bundles, and blankets.

The idea for writing scripture on bandanas, shirts, and blankets came from God. He is providing a way for these to get into as many homes as possible. He is doing miracles with them.

As you have seen on this website, we have many testimonies to God’s healing power.  All the glory goes to Him!

Who Receives Free Bandanas?

Our heart is to give the bandana bundles away to those we minister to and to those who cannot afford it.  

There is a suggested donation amount that simply covers our cost of the items.

We do not make a profit on them.

Because the donation is suggested and not mandatory, this gives people the opportunity to donate what they can, or even more than the amount suggested, enabling us to give away bundles to those who truly cannot afford it.

We give away bandanas and bundles regularly when people stop by for prayer in desperate need of a breakthrough, at outreach events, and to those who reach out on our website.

We never charge for prayer or for the Word of God.

How Can I Get A Free Bandana?

If you are in financial hardship and cannot afford it, we are happy to help you.

If you can consider covering the cost of the items so other people who cannot afford it can benefit, this would be wonderful.

If you CAN afford to add an additional donation to your order, you could order some items for yourself AND be able to help a number of others who would be greatly blessed with a FREE bandana bundle!

What a blessing if you can afford to gift someone a bandana bundle!

We are not a large ministry, but simply a small group of volunteers who have come together to freely distribute the Word of God on bandanas, shirts, and blankets.

Please be mindful of others and only order what is urgently needed.

Fill Out The Order Form Below

If you are in desperate need for a bandana bundle, please provide details about your needs so that we better understand your situation and can pray accordingly.  Thank you!

Sharing The Bandana In Times Square NY

Praying For Homeless Man in Downtown Atlanta

Sharing The Bandanas At Elderly Community

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